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Kupanga Gulu Loyankha Zochitika pa Cyber Security
Pangani Gulu Lanu Lankhondo
Maphunzirowa adapangidwira oyang'anira ndi atsogoleri a projekiti omwe apatsidwa ntchito yopanga gulu lanu la Cyber Battle, lomwe mwaluso ndi Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). Maphunzirowa amapereka chithunzithunzi chapamwamba pazazofunikira ndi zisankho zomwe ziyenera kuthandizidwa pakukhazikitsa Gulu Lankhondo la Cyber. Monga gawo la maphunzirowa, ogwira nawo ntchito apanga njira zomwe zingagwiritsidwe ntchito poyambira kukonzekera ndikukwaniritsa gulu lanu la Cyber Battle. Adziwa mitundu yazinthu ndi zomangamanga zofunika kuthandizira gulu. Kuphatikiza apo, opezekapo adzazindikira mfundo ndi njira zomwe ziyenera kukhazikitsidwa ndikugwiritsa ntchito popanga CSIRT.
Dziwani: Maphunzirowa akuphatikiza mfundo zopita ku Masters mu cyber Security kuchokera ku Software Engineers Institute
The Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is a key component of an organization's security posture. By definition, a CSIRT is a team of individuals who are responsible for responding to computer security incidents. While the term "computer security incident" can be used to describe any type of event that poses a threat to computer systems or data, in practice, most CSIRTs focus on responding to cyber incidents – that is, events that involve some form of malicious activity carried out using digital means.
A CSIRT assesses threat vulnerabilities and the potential for cyber-attacks. They also assess the damage caused by an attack and are quickly deployed with pre-planned strategies to mitigate the attack and have the organisation up and running again as quickly as possible. Their goal is to prevent further attacks from occurring.
Why should I establish a Cyber Security Incident Response Team BEFORE a cyber attack occurs?
Creating a Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is an important step in preparing for a cyber-attack. A CSIRT is a group of people who are trained and prepared to respond to a security incident. The team can provide support during and after an attack, including helping to contain the damage, restore systems, and investigate the incident. Having a CSIRT in place before an attack occurs can help to minimize the impact of the attack and ensure that operations can resume quickly. Furthermore, a CSIRT can help to build trust with customers and other stakeholders by demonstrating that the organization takes security seriously. As such, creating a CSIRT is an important part of preparing for a cyber-attack.
Ndani ayenera kuchita izi?
Oyang'anira a CSIRT apano ndi omwe akuyembekezera; Oyang'anira ma C-level monga ma CIO, ma CSO, ma CRO; ndi atsogoleri a projekiti omwe ali ndi chidwi chokhazikitsa kapena kuyambitsa Gulu Lankhondo la Cyber.
Ogwira ntchito ena omwe amalumikizana ndi CSIRTs ndipo akufuna kuti amvetsetse momwe CSIRTs imagwirira ntchito. Mwachitsanzo, zigawo za CSIRT; kasamalidwe kabwino; Kuyanjana ndi atolankhani, upangiri wazamalamulo, kukhazikitsa malamulo, ogwira ntchito, kuwunika, kapena owongolera zoopsa.
Kuwongolera zochitika ndi ubale wa CSIRTs
Zofunikira pakukonzekera CSIRT
Kupanga masomphenya a CSIRT
Ntchito ya CSIRT, zolinga zake, komanso mulingo waulamuliro
Nkhani ndi mitundu ya CSIRT
Kutalika ndi magawo a ntchito zoperekedwa
Nkhani zopezera ndalama
Kulemba ntchito ndi kuphunzitsa ogwira ntchito ku CSIRT
Kukhazikitsa ndondomeko ndi njira za CSIRT
Zofunikira pakapangidwe ka CSIRT
Kukhazikitsa ndi magwiridwe antchito ndi njira
Mgwirizano ndi kulumikizana
Kodi antchito anu aphunzira chiyani?
Ogwira ntchito anu aphunzira:
Mvetsetsani zofunikira pakukhazikitsa gulu la Cyber Battle Team (CSIRT)
Konzekerani mwadongosolo kukhazikitsa ndikukhazikitsa gulu latsopano la Cyber Battle.
Unikani zinthu zomwe zimakhudzana ndikupanga gulu lomvera, logwira bwino la akatswiri pakompyuta
Kupeza mfundo ndi njira zomwe ziyenera kukhazikitsidwa ndikutsatira.
Mvetsetsani mitundu yosiyanasiyana yamabungwe a Gulu Latsopano la Cyber Battle
Mvetsetsani mitundu komanso mautumiki omwe gulu la Cyber Battle Team lingakupatseni